Texting Workflows: Intelligent SMS During Calls

Our AI sends texts during phone calls based on conversation context. You define scenarios in plain English.

How it works:

1. Write a scenario: "If the caller needs pricing information, text them our rate sheet."

2. The AI understands the context and intent of the conversation.

3. When it recognizes the scenario, it sends the specified text instantly.

Key applications:

1. Appointment Scheduling

  Scenario: "When someone wants to book an appointment, text them our calendar link."

  Action: AI recognizes booking intent and sends link during the call.

2. Document Delivery

  Scenario: "If someone needs product specifications, text the PDF link."

  Action: AI understands the request for specs and texts link in real-time.

3. Promotion Distribution

  Scenario: "When discussing our premium service, text the current promotion code."

  Action: AI detects conversation about premium offerings and sends promo code.

Technical details:

- No coding required. Uses advanced natural language understanding.

- Supports sending text messages with links or information during the call.

Setup process:

1. Access the texting workflows feature in your account

2. Create a new workflow

3. Describe the scenario in plain English

4. Specify the text message to be sent

5. Save and activate the workflow

The system allows for complex scenarios, understanding nuanced conversations. It works for inbound calls, enhancing customer interactions by providing timely information without interrupting the call flow.

This feature leverages AI to automate text message sending based on call content, improving efficiency and customer experience.

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Start your free trial for My AI Front Desk today, it takes minutes to setup!

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Start your free trial for My AI Front Desk today, it takes minutes to setup!