Intake Form Workflows: Automated Information Gathering

Our AI collects specific information from callers at the start of a call or when certain topics arise. Set up using plain English instructions.

How it works:

1. Write a scenario: "At the start of each call, ask for the caller's name and account number."

2. The AI follows your instructions to gather the specified information.

3. Collected data is stored separately for easy access and use.

Key applications:

1. Customer Identification

  Scenario: "Ask for the caller's full name and date of birth at the beginning of each call."

  Action: AI collects this information before proceeding with the main conversation.

2. Appointment Scheduling

  Scenario: "When someone wants to book an appointment, ask for their preferred date, time, and service type."

  Action: AI gathers necessary details for scheduling when the topic arises.

3. Support Ticket Creation

  Scenario: "If a caller reports a technical issue, ask for their device type, operating system, and problem description."

  Action: AI collects specific details about the technical problem during the conversation.

Technical details:

- No coding required. Uses natural language processing to understand instructions and caller responses.

- Supports both mandatory initial questions and context-triggered information gathering.

Setup process:

1. Access the intake form workflows feature

2. Create a new workflow

3. Specify when to ask questions (start of call or upon certain topics)

4. List the questions to ask in plain English

5. Save and activate the workflow

Data Management and Export:

- View all intake form responses in a dedicated dashboard section.

- Filter and sort responses based on date, specific questions, or other criteria.

- Export data in CSV or Excel formats for further analysis.

- Zapier Integration: Connect intake form data to other apps, enabling automatic updates to CRMs, project management tools, or databases.

This feature ensures consistent data collection across calls and integrates smoothly with existing business workflows.

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Start your free trial for My AI Front Desk today, it takes minutes to setup!

Try Our AI Receptionist Today

Start your free trial for My AI Front Desk today, it takes minutes to setup!