API Workflows: Real-Time Data Integration

Our AI can interact with external APIs during calls, fetching or sending data based on conversation context. Set up API interactions using plain English instructions.

How it works:

1. Write a scenario: "If someone asks about their order status, check our shipping API."

2. The AI understands the context and intent of the conversation.

3. When it recognizes the scenario, it makes the API call and uses the data in the conversation.

Key applications:

1. Order Status ChecksScenario: "When a caller asks about their order, fetch status from our shipping API." Action: AI retrieves real-time  order  information and relays it to the caller.

2. Inventory Queries

Scenario: "If someone asks if a product is in stock, check our inventory API."

Action: AI gets current inventory data and informs the caller about availability.

3. Customer Information Updates

Scenario: "When a caller provides a new address, update it in our customer database API."

Action: AI sends the new information to update the customer record in real-time.

Technical details:

- No coding required for scenario setup. (API endpoints must be configured separately)

 - Supports GET and POST requests to predefined API endpoints.

- Can use information from the call (like customer ID) in API requests.

Setup process:

1. Access the API workflows feature

2. Create a new workflow

3. Describe the API interaction scenario in plain English

 4. Select the relevant API endpoint and specify how to use the data

5. Save and activate the workflow

This feature allows for dynamic, data-driven conversations, enhancing the AI's ability to provide accurate, real-time information to callers.

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Start your free trial for My AI Front Desk today, it takes minutes to setup!